• Social Media

    Social Media Experts – Our Blog: Social Media Tips

    As a company focused on the usage of social media marketing, we often use this term to describe the usage of social media to achieve business objectives. But some of the concepts that are applied in the realm of social media (like credibility and transparency) also benefit “offline” marketing objectives. So how do you leverage these concepts without online tools? The answer is something called “word of mouth marketing.” Since this is a world outside our area of expertise, our best suggestion if you want to learn more is to visit our friends over at Social Fulcrum. They are a word of mouth advertising agency that specializes in the use…

  • Weightloss

    Health Gadgets That Will Help You Lose Weight

    It’s a great time today for geeks who want to lose weight as so many companies are releasing gear that help you eat and move better to become a fitter and slender nerd. So here is a list of the top 7 gadgets that can help you lose weight the cool way.  The Fit bit is a pedometer that keeps track of your daily movements and uploads the data to the internet to unlock achievements and create challenges. It turns your daily activities into a giant game and you can share your info with social networks, challenge groups or go solo too.  It can also track vertical movements or the…

  • Tips

    Top Five Cowardly Ways To Leave Your Lover

    The way he brushes his teeth reminds you of fingers on a chalk board. He scrubs them hard and fast versus in small, slow circles like he should be doing. He doesn’t floss either, which is just bad oral hygiene. Can’t stand the way she chews with her mouth open? It was so embarrassing last Christmas at the holiday party… you don’t know why it has taken you this long to decide to give her the boot. If you are ready to end a relationship, call it quits, throw in the towel and throw mama from the train… (for lack of better words) you might want to consider the top…
