• Computer & Technology

    Microsoft Word- Search Process

    Technology is our guilty pressure that has now become a necessary part of our lives without which we cannot exist but it wasn’t the case many decades back when technology was limited to a few electronic gadgets like television, radio and their ilk. The internet revolution in the 1980s and 90s changed things in a big way and even though life has become a lot easier compared to the old times, people that saw those times totally miss them since life was so simple and innocent. Speaking of technology, computer has played a major role in changing the lives of many folks during the 80s and to Charles Babbage goes…

  • Body building

    Low-Intensity Cardio Vs Hiit Cardio For Fat Loss

    Fat loss through low-intensity cardio is not the most effective method of losing body fat, though many do not know this. According to SF Weekly, fat loss is aided through an increase in metabolism, low intensity cardio does not increase metabolism, though it is quite effective at burning calories. As the ability to burn fat and raise metabolism can be achieved through HIIT (High-intensity interval training).  HIIT cardio is, therefore, more effective, when it comes to fat loss, as not only does it burn calories but also increases the body’s overall metabolism. HIIT targets fat moreover low-intensity cardio, after doing HIIT the body will continue to burn calories post-exercise. Studies…

  • Health and Fitness

    What You Didnt Know About Getting Great Looking Abs

    Ever tried to get your abdomen looking great, and used every abdomen-based exercise under the sun to no significant effect? That’s what most people do at one time or another. Though it may seem mystifying, the problem blocking your progress is really quite simple. It doesn’t matter how good your abs look, if you have fat covering them up… and abs-based exercises don’t burn fat efficiently! The best way to get that sixpack you’ve always wanted is to enact an exercise program that takes care of your whole body as an interlinked organism. Stressing yourself out by focusing on unnaturally specific, indepent and narrow exercises will not only produce lesser…
