• Parenting

    Spoiled Little Kids (Brats)

    I recently read another blog that had some excellent writing on their personal experiences with kids getting completely spoiled by their parents on Christmas and other holidays. Unfortunately, the blog used a fair amount of cursing to get their point across, so I don’t feel all that inclined to link to it from this blog. I try to keep things on the family-friendly side here. It did inspire me to share a few thoughts on the topic though. What exactly is it with parents these days? Ha! You thought I was going to launch right in on the kids, didn’t you? I’ll get to them in a minute. The reason…

  • Shopping

    Skipping Black Friday

    I gave up on Black Friday a long time ago. There, I said it. I have come out of the shopping closet and showed my true colors. There really is nothing I find appealing about Black Friday, and the deals these days simply are just not worth it. I would love for someone to convince me otherwise, but I just don’t care anymore. That said, my wife this year braved the crowds, and very cold weather, to stand in a line to get our kids a Wii game console. We have avoided any sort of gaming device for our kids for years, but this one has won us over from…

  • Human Behaviour

    Pet Peeves Still Interest People

    It has been some time since I have written on What’s Gotta Go. My lack of compositional volume is not for a lack of things to gripe about, trust me! I thought I would write a little catch-up and insight as to the status of things. A bit over a year ago I started up WGG as an experiment on several levels. First, I wanted to try out WordPress as blog software. Second, I thought it would be interesting to see how well placed a blog like this could get ranked in Google, as a site, and on various topics. Third, I thought it would be fun to rant about…

  • Highlights,  Shopping

    Say Goodbye To Sleepless Nights With A Portable Hammock

    Hammocks are a great accessory to add to your garden or your home. These days there are a variety of hammock stands and portable hammocks available in the market that make it easy for you to carry your hammock with you when you’re on a trip. If you’re not used to sleeping in someone else’s bed, these [google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]2 person hammock can provide you with amazing relief while you’re away from home. Since they are portable, they are lightweight and very easy to move around with. Setting up a portable hammock is very easy and it only takes a few minutes. One of the biggest problems that people face every night…
