• Pets

    Finding Alternative Meat Sources for Your Dog’s Raw Diet

    There’s no doubt that feeding your dog a completely raw diet perhaps requires a stronger stomach than one would imagine at first. I have what I consider to be nearly an iron stomach, able to eat almost anything (originating in a developed country or not…) without getting ill. However, the dog’s raw diet has sometimes pushed my stomach to the brink due to my insistence on seeking out novel and inexpensive meat sources for her to try. It’s important, however, to feed your dog a varied and appropriate raw food diet so that he or she gets a wide variety of nutrients and doesn’t get bored with the food. Balance…

  • Pets

    Man Spent 3 Days In Jail As The Police Misunderstood Cat Litter For Meth

    Is it even possible to get arrested for having cat litter? This happened in Texas. The cat is not allowed to litter on the street and even if it does, the owner of the cat has to pick it up and put it in a proper dust bin or dump yard. This is how it should be done. In that case, it has to be put in a garbage bag and taken to the closest place to dump it away. They may need to put it in a bag and take it in their cars. This was quite common in the region and so was carrying drugs. Apparently, the colour…
